Inspiring Engagement - Realising Potential

We currently have 8 classes in our junior school:

Two satellite classes at each of the following mainstream host schools:

May Road Primary School, Dominion Road Primary School, Oranga Primary School. The purpose of these satellite classes is to afford our students the maximum opportunity to enhance their learning by mixing with mainstream peers. This is useful for their learning, social and communication development.

We also have two junior classes at our St Andrews Road satellite hub.

Our classes range in number from between 5 and 8 students.

Transition into School

The early years at school are important and a successful transition and early learning foundations are and important part of our Junior programme.

We aim to build on the base created in Te Whaariki (the early childhood curriculum) which include Wellbeing (Mana atua), Belonging (Mana whenua), Contribution (Mana tangata), Communication (Mana reo) and Exploration (Mana aoturoa).


We use the New Zealand Curriculum Level 1, as the basis for our learning programmes.  Topic Based Inquiry is the framework within which we teach and there is a new topic each term. We do all we can to ensure that learning is relevant and interesting to our students. We cover all aspects of the curriculum, and early Literacy and Numeracy skills are covered daily. We are fortunate to have access to an array of digital technologies, for learning, such as computers, iPads and tablets and Interactive Whiteboards, which students find motivating. Sensory needs of students are addressed, by providing a sensory rich programme, adapted to student need. Students for whom it is useful, also have access to sensory rooms.