We work closely with families through our Mahi Tahi system, which is intended to create a 2-way dialogue sharing information between home and school. These Whanau Partnership meetings occur twice a year and focus on:

  • updating the Learner Portrait and Hauora Plan
  • sharing information about learning and progress
  • meeting the team.

Communication and co-operative work with families/whanau are fundamental to our success and occur formally and informally via daily notebooks, Seesaw, newsbooks, devices with recorded messages, phonecalls, email contact, appointments with health agencies and face-to-face meetings at home and at school.

The Learner Portrait (“who I am and how I learn”) captures a student’s strengths, interests and helps us understand what best supports each student’s learning.

The Hauora Plan (“what I need to be ready for learning”) covers all the important information about health, behaviour, self-care, medical and so on.  It is a collaborative document that may link to more detailed plans if needed and ensures that every student’s health and well being is planned for.

The Learning Plan (“what I am learning”) is developed each term for the whole class.  Learning Intentions for Core Curriculum Areas (reading, writing, maths and communication) are listed and will show what students will be learning for the term.

The Learning Plan also includes learning intentions for Exploratory Curriculum Areas, that are the contextual, meaningful exploration of the learning areas from the New Zealand Curriculum.  This could look different in the varied areas of our school, with senior students having areas drawn from the adult curriculum and our new entrants exploring more play-based learning.

Our Vision