Central Auckland Specialist School is made up of 32 Satellite classes which are located across 13 different school sites. Students in a satellite class are enrolled at CASS and receive therapy, programmes and resources from CASS but attend their class at their ‘host’ school each day. Students can access mainstream learning and social opportunities as well as specialised learning support.

Base School
Provides learning environments for several of our senior students. It is also the office and admin hub of the school. Our leadership and outreach teachers work from base school.
St Andrews Road (StAR)
Formerly the base school of Carlson, StAR has a range of classes for students with complex learning and health needs. Classes range from new entrant to senior. Our Therapy team is also based at StAR.
May Road School
Three classes for new entrant and junior students and is also the home of our Manulele mo le lumana’i Samoan Bilingual classes.
Dominion Road School
There are three classes for junior students
Wesley Primary
We have three classes for junior students.
Oranga Primary
Two classes for junior students
Waterview Primary
One class for new entrant and junior students.
Mt Eden Primary (MENPS)
One class for new entrant and junior students.
Waikowhai Intermediate
We have one class at Waikowhai which caters for intermediate aged students 10-13 years with high health and physical needs
Balmoral Intermediate
Two classes at Balmoral for students aged 10-13 years. A range of learning needs are catered for at Balmoral
Wesley Intermediate
There are two classes at Wesley Intermediate for students aged between 10-13 years.
Onehunga High School
We have three classes at Onehunga High School for students 13 – 18 years old.
Western Springs College
We have three classes for students aged 13 – 18 years old.
Students at the St Andrews Rd Campus have opportunities to integrate with their mainstream peers at Three Kings Primary School and Marcellin College. We also value relationships with Diocesan Girls School, Mt Hobson Middle School and Baradene College who contribute to our programmes during regular visits from groups of their students.