Inspiring Engagement - Realising Potential

CASS is committed to fostering student achievement within the New Zealand Curriculum. Each student has an individualised programme that captures their interests and strengths and identifies their next steps in key areas of learning. We believe strongly in the potential of each of our students as learners.

We have been developing our Local CASS curriculum and recently held a parent meeting to share the work we have been doing with parents and to hear more about how we can strengthen our learning partnerships.

Learning Design parents presentation

  • CASS uses the Universal Design for Learning process to plan, implement, and maintain teaching and learning pathways.
  • Learning pathways for individual students are differentiated according to their needs.
  • We have a Mahi Tahi process, in partnership with families, which consists of a Learner Portrait (who am I and how do I learn), Hauora Plan (what I need to be ready for learning) and a Learning Plan (what I am learning).
  • Students have a Learning Plan which focuses on learning intentions for core curriculum areas (reading, writing, maths and communication) and exploratory curriculum areas, that are contextual, meaningful exploration of the learning areas from the New Zealand Curriculum.
  • The exploratory curriculum could look different in the varied areas of the school, with our senior students having areas drawn from the Adult Curriculum and our new entrants exploring more play based learning.
  • Teachers and Therapists plan programmes to meet the goals of individual students.
  • Teaching and learning is accelerated and supported by the use of a range of digital technologies throughout the school.

We draw from a range of programmes and tools to meet the learning of our students. Teachers and Therapists in consultation with families identify what students need to best support their learning programmes and training and ongoing professional development is provided.

Within our teaching and learning programmes, we use a number of specialised approaches:

Using letters for literacy